自己去看吧`` 都是英文的一、活在埃弗顿的阴影下
由于埃弗顿的存在,利物浦一开始的生存是艰难的。约翰-麦肯纳(John McKenna)成为了俱乐部历史上第一位主教练。在此之前,很多球员离开安菲尔德去了埃弗顿,麦肯纳不得不到苏格兰去寻找球员。在那里,他一口气招募了12名队员,但是也正因为这样,利物浦的受关注程度远不及埃弗顿,因为当地人不愿意去观看一支由苏格兰人组成的球队比赛。
1959年12月,在前任主帅泰勒辞职后,利物浦做出了一个后来被载入史册的决定,任命霍斯菲尔德队的教练比尔-香克利(Bill Shankly)为新主帅,结果这位般的人物在5年里将一支在乙级中挣扎的球队变成了英格兰甲级联赛冠军,并且就此奠定了利物浦的霸主地位。
1959年12月19日,香克利输掉了第一场正式比赛,利物浦0比4惨败给卡蒂夫。但在他的执教和影响下,红军开始了明显的上升势头,60年代初,利物浦不但升回甲级,而且逐渐成为了一支劲旅,在香克利执教期间,大批天才球员来到利物浦。凯文-基冈(Kevin Keegan)、托沙克(John Toshack)等人,构建起一支令人畏惧的队伍。1963-64赛季,香克利第一次率队夺取了联赛冠军,红军霸业初成。1965年,利物浦第一次夺取了足总杯冠军,之后的一年又称雄联赛。13年,香克利再度夺取联赛冠军,同年还拿到了欧洲联盟杯,14年的足总杯冠军则是他送给利物浦的最后荣誉。
香克利辞职后,继任者的合适人选只有一个人,鲍勃-派斯利(Bob Paisley)。派斯利是利物浦球员出身,此前长期辅佐香克利,熟悉球队情况。不过一开始,派斯利并不愿意接手,香克利留下的成绩太辉煌了,任何继任者都要面对巨大压力,最终,利物浦董事会花费很大努力说服了他,派斯利正式上任。
18年,利物浦蝉联了欧洲冠军杯,并于1981年再度捧杯,派斯利将红军带上了最高峰。对于这位神奇的主教练,爱将达格利什(Kenny Dalglish)有这样的回忆。“他是所有人中最伟大的,他对于足球的认识令人惊叹,有时候他看着球员走上两步,就知道是否受伤了或者伤在哪里。不会再有像派斯利这样的教练了。”
17年,当基冈离开后,派斯利将达格利什签下作为替代者,结果后者成为了利物浦历史上的巨星。同时被派斯利签下的还有索内斯(Graeme Souness)和汉森(Alan Hansen),他们构建了新利物浦的骨架。
1982-83赛季后,派斯利辞去了利物浦主帅,法甘(Joe Fagan)成为了他的继任者。1996年,派斯利去世,利物浦在安菲尔德球场修建了派斯利门,向这位致敬。
希尔斯堡惨案带给了利物浦又一个沉重的打击。1989年4月15日,超过2万5千名利物浦球迷南下希尔斯堡体育场,去观看利物浦与诺丁汉森林的足总杯半决赛。他们之中有96人走上了不归之路。当天阳光明媚,本应是双方俱乐部和球迷的节日,但最终却发生了英格兰足球历史上最恐怖的灾难。在希尔斯堡惨案中,Leppings Lane看台发生骚乱和踩踏,96名利物浦球迷丧生。
巴恩斯在回忆这次悲剧时说:“希尔斯堡惨案使我弄清了人生的重要意义。在那之前,我总是要让一切都充满希望。但发生在Leppings Lane看台的悲剧使我不禁认真思考自己的人生。足球失去了它的意义,足球并不是生命的全部,也不应该是生命的结局。当96名球迷在一场比赛中丧命,孩子们失去父亲或者父亲失去了儿子时,足球还能是什么呢!香克利说过‘足球不仅是事关生死的事,而且重于生死。’在那一刻似乎不再正确。足球只不过是一场比赛,一场游戏,或许值得追求,但又岂能与生命本身相比?”
1991年,达格利什不堪重压辞去了利物浦帅位,后由索内斯继任,但这却是俱乐部一个糟糕的决定,索内斯没有带来成就,离开时却留下了不少的问题。1995年,罗伊-埃文斯(Roy Evans)出任利物浦主帅,第一个赛季就率队夺取了联赛杯,在他的手下,利物浦着重年轻化,建立起一支富有的队伍。
在那个时期,一批优秀的年轻人进入了人们的视线。福勒(Robbie Fowler)、欧文(Michael Owen)、麦克马纳曼(Steve McManaman)、雷德克纳普(Jamie Redkn)……但在埃文斯的手下,这支球队却没有赢得过任何重大赛事的奖杯,在球迷的呼声下,法国人霍利尔(Gerard Houllier)进入教练组,和埃文斯联合执教,并在几个月后成为主教练。在他的带领下,利物浦在2001年取得了新的辉煌,他们获得了足总杯、联赛杯和欧洲联盟杯的三冠王,既而又称雄欧洲超级杯,成为了当之无愧的杯赛之王。
不过,联赛中的糟糕成绩,还是让霍利尔付出了代价,2004年夏天,利物浦迎来了主教练的更迭。西班牙人贝尼特斯(Rafael Benitez)走马上任,这标志着一个全新时代的开始。在他执教的头两个赛季里,拿到了两项重要赛事的冠军。2004-05赛季,利物浦在冠军杯决赛0比3落后的情况下神奇逆转AC米兰,登上了欧洲之巅,贝尼特斯也成为继切尔西主帅穆里尼奥后,第二个在两个赛季里接连夺取联盟杯和冠军杯的现役教头。2006年,利物浦再次上演神奇逆转,击败西汉姆夺取了足总杯冠军。
谢菲尔德大学 (The University of Sheffield) 建校历史可追溯到1828年。谢菲尔德大学是英国最具影响力的研究型大学之一,也是世界著名的教学科研中心。
The University of Sheffield has a history dating back to 1828. The university of Sheffield is one of the most influential research universities in the UK and is the world's leading centre for teaching and research.
作为英国最著名的“红砖大学”之一,谢菲尔德大学是英国众多百年老牌知名大学中最具有国际声望的世界一流大学之一,为英国最顶尖一流大学联盟罗素大学集团(The Russell Group)、欧洲大学协会(EUA)、世界大学联盟(WUN)、白玫瑰大学联盟的成员。
As one of Britain's most famous "red brick university", The university of Sheffield is many famous university established in one hundred in Britain, one of The most internationally prestigious world-class university in England in The top class university league Russell Group universities (The Russell Group), The European university association (EUA), The world university union (WUN), white roses university union members.
The university of Sheffield is one of the earliest and most powerful architecture schools in the UK. Its teaching level and research level enjoy a high reputation both in domestic and international academic circles.
教授通过学生所做的设计项目,来进行更有针对性的指导,这样,帮助学生体验到真正具备客户需求项目的设计方式,并且发现在社会上参与设计与协作工作的好处,最后能够做出对社会有 好的影响力的成果。
Architectural Design-MA(1年制)建筑设计;
Core modules(核心课程);
Special Design Project – Live Project 特殊设计项目;
Design 1 and 2 设计1和设计2;
Theory and Research 理论和研究;
Environment and Technology 环境与技术
Reflections on Architectural Design 建筑设计反思;
Thesis Design Project 论文设计项目;
Optional modules(选修课程);
Rflections on Architectural Education 建筑教育反思;
Reflections on Practice 实践反思;
Computer-Aided Architectural Design 计算机建筑设计;
Computational Design 计算机设计;
Climate-Sensitive Environmental Design 气候环境设计;
Birmingham is a city and metropolitan borough in the West Midlands of Birmingham is a city and metropolitan borough in the West Midlands of Birmingham is a city and metropolitan borough in the West Midlands of Birmingham is a city and metropolitan borough in the West Midlands of England. It is the most populous British city outside the capital London, England. It is the most populous British city outside the capital London, England. It is the most populous British city outside the capital London, England. It is the most populous British city outside the capital London, with a population of 1,036,900 (2010 estimate), and lies at the heart with a population of 1,036,900 (2010 estimate), and lies at the heart with a population of 1,036,900 (2010 estimate), and lies at the heart with a population of 1,036,900 (2010 estimate), and lies at the heart of the West Midlands conurbation, the secof the West Midlands conurbation, the secof the West Midlands conurbation, the secof the West Midlands conurbation, the second most populous urban area ond most populous urban area ond most populous urban area ond most populous urban area in the United Kingdom with a population of 2,284,093 (2001 census). in the United Kingdom with a population of 2,284,093 (2001 census). in the United Kingdom with a population of 2,284,093 (2001 census). in the United Kingdom with a population of 2,284,093 (2001 census). Birmingham's metropolitan area, which includes surrounding towns to Birmingham's metropolitan area, which includes surrounding towns to Birmingham's metropolitan area, which includes surrounding towns to Birmingham's metropolitan area, which includes surrounding towns to which it is closely tied through commuting, is also the United Kingdom's which it is closely tied through commuting, is also the United Kingdom's which it is closely tied through commuting, is also the United Kingdom's which it is closely tied through commuting, is also the United Kingdom's second most populosecond most populosecond most populosecond most populous with a population of 3,683,000us with a population of 3,683,000us with a population of 3,683,000us with a population of 3,683,000 Birmingham is a city that has developed by trade.There are many Birmingham is a city that has developed by trade.There are many Birmingham is a city that has developed by trade.There are many Birmingham is a city that has developed by trade.There are many resources around Birmingham so that its industry is famous too. After resources around Birmingham so that its industry is famous too. After resources around Birmingham so that its industry is famous too. After resources around Birmingham so that its industry is famous too. After the industrial evolution,Birmingham developed quickly and turned into the industrial evolution,Birmingham developed quickly and turned into the industrial evolution,Birmingham developed quickly and turned into the industrial evolution,Birmingham developed quickly and turned into a industrial cia industrial cia industrial cia industrial city. ty. ty. ty. Do you know that Birmingham is the genesis of the industrial evolution? Do you know that Birmingham is the genesis of the industrial evolution? Do you know that Birmingham is the genesis of the industrial evolution? Do you know that Birmingham is the genesis of the industrial evolution? James James James James Walt is in relation to Birmingham.In 1769,Walt invented the Walt is in relation to Birmingham.In 1769,Walt invented the Walt is in relation to Birmingham.In 1769,Walt invented the Walt is in relation to Birmingham.In 1769,Walt invented the early steam engine. In Birmingham,he improved the early steam engine. early steam engine. In Birmingham,he improved the early steam engine. early steam engine. In Birmingham,he improved the early steam engine. early steam engine. In Birmingham,he improved the early steam engine. The acent of people from is sThe acent of people from is sThe acent of people from is sThe acent of people from is similar to people from England. In fact, imilar to people from England. In fact, imilar to people from England. In fact, imilar to people from England. In fact, Birmingham people is more funny and humorous than other people in Britain.Birmingham people is more funny and humorous than other people in Britain.Birmingham people is more funny and humorous than other people in Britain.Birmingham people is more funny and humorous than other people in Britain. Treler can visit the city by boat along the riverway of Treler can visit the city by boat along the riverway of Treler can visit the city by boat along the riverway of Treler can visit the city by boat along the riverway of Birmingham.People often will give a bright smile to visitor.Or you will Birmingham.People often will give a bright smile to visitor.Or you will Birmingham.People often will give a bright smile to visitor.Or you will Birmingham.People often will give a bright smile to visitor.Or you will he chehe chehe chehe cheers with people sitting at leisure.After that, you would like ers with people sitting at leisure.After that, you would like ers with people sitting at leisure.After that, you would like ers with people sitting at leisure.After that, you would like to walk down the street quietly and riciate the ato walk down the street quietly and riciate the ato walk down the street quietly and riciate the ato walk down the street quietly and riciate the architecturerchitecturerchitecturerchitecture Cannon Hill Park(Cannon Hill Park(Cannon Hill Park(Cannon Hill Park(佳能山公园佳能山公园佳能山公园佳能山公园) is one of the premier parks in Berminham ) is one of the premier parks in Berminham ) is one of the premier parks in Berminham ) is one of the premier parks in Berminham and has been awarded Green Flag status. With beautiful flowerbeand has been awarded Green Flag status. With beautiful flowerbeand has been awarded Green Flag status. With beautiful flowerbeand has been awarded Green Flag status. With beautiful flowerbeds, lakes, ds, lakes, ds, lakes, ds, lakes, pools and a wonderful collection of trees, it's easy to see why. There's pools and a wonderful collection of trees, it's easy to see why. There's pools and a wonderful collection of trees, it's easy to see why. There's pools and a wonderful collection of trees, it's easy to see why. There's plenty of opportunity for exercise at the park's tennis courts, bowling plenty of opportunity for exercise at the park's tennis courts, bowling plenty of opportunity for exercise at the park's tennis courts, bowling plenty of opportunity for exercise at the park's tennis courts, bowling and putting greens and wildlife enthusiasts can follow the walkways and and putting greens and wildlife enthusiasts can follow the walkways and and putting greens and wildlife enthusiasts can follow the walkways and and putting greens and wildlife enthusiasts can follow the walkways and cycle routes alongside the Rcycle routes alongside the Rcycle routes alongside the Rcycle routes alongside the River Rea.iver Rea.iver Rea.iver Rea. Birmingham Football Club is historial football team. In 2011, the Club Birmingham Football Club is historial football team. In 2011, the Club Birmingham Football Club is historial football team. In 2011, the Club Birmingham Football Club is historial football team. In 2011, the Club won the English FA Cup.won the English FA Cup.won the English FA Cup.won the English FA Cup.
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